25th May 2023
Status of Esso Pipeline Works

Update from Cllr David Whitcroft:

Balmoral Drive – Works are moving up Balmoral Drive and are now at the shops, the narrative shared in terms of specific access in this location for the duration of the works is;

Access will always be retained to the church, the shops and the flats. Esso are currently crossing the access to the shops and church which does require traffic lights at the entrance but access for all vehicles (except the large HGV’s for Tesco, Esso have spoken to them and agreed a temporary alternative solution) will be retained at all times.

Works to the entirety of Balmoral Drive are programmed to conclude by the end of June,  SHBC have just sent Esso an email to enquire about the period of time that it may take to pass the shops as it is understood that once they have that the diversion will change.  SHBC are aware that there is a sewer that Esso have to navigate at this location, so it is likely to be problematic.    There will be an update soonest.
St Catherine’s Road – There is a 6-week delay on St Catherines Road so this will remain closed until the end of June

St Catherines SANG – They will be out of the SANG by the school summer holidays (although will need to return in the Autumn for planting and seeding)

Red Road is now finished however there is some lining work to be completed where tempory traffic lights will be required (date tbc)

Guildford Road is now re-opened as work is complete