Dates to Remember
15th Feb - Quiz Night: 7.00pm, Mytchett Centre. For details and tickets,
see Events on the MCC Website.
18th Feb - Dementia Activity Group: 1.00pm - 2.30pm, Mytchett Community Centre. See
Events on the MCC Website.
18th, 25th Feb - Redtooth Poker: 7.30pm, Mytchett Community Centre. See
Events on the MCC Website.
19th, 26th Feb- Gentle Exercise for 65+: 2.00pm - 2.45pm, Frimley Green Library. See
Poster to the right for details.
20th, 27th Feb - Redtooth Poker: 7.30pm, Mytchett Community Centre. See
Events on the MCC Website.
26th Feb - Mindenhurst Drop-in Session : 10.00am - 12.00pm, Project Office, Newfoundland Road.
For details, see the Mindenhurst Website.
28th Feb - Bingo Night: 7.00pm, Mytchett Community Centre. See
Events on the MCC Website.
2nd Mar - Frimley Lodge Miniature Railway: 11.00am-4.00pm, Frimley Lodge Park.
See the FLMR Timetable for details.
2nd Mar - Paul Sykes Big Band: 7.00pm, Mytchett Community Centre. For details,
see the Paul Sykes Big Band Website.
Consultations, Petitions, Surveys etc
Surrey Heath Borough Council has now opened a waiting list for those residents who would be interested in securing a plot in the new Mindenhurst Allotments.
There is an occupation restriction on the allotments to ensure that they are for the benefit of the residents of the Deepcut area. This is defined as
being within a one mile radius of Deepcut, see the Poster on the right for more details.
If you meet this criterion and are interested in being added to the waiting list, please email:
Planning Applications
SHBC Planning Policies
Local Housing Projects
Status: Being built - 1200 homes
Developer: Skanska
Original Planning Application: 12/0546
Other Links: Newsletters,
Waters Edge
Status: Being built - 248 homes
Developer/Builder: Nicholas King Homes
Original Planning Application: 18/0327
Website: waters-edge-nr-camberley-surrey
22-30 Sturt Road
Status: Planning application submitted - 160 homes
Developer/Builder: Homes England
Planning Application: 20/1048/FFU
Website: Land Hub
Related Link: Article
Frimhurst Farm
Status: Being built - 65 homes
Developer/Builder: Bewley Homes
Planning Application: 21/0769/FFU
The Frimley Green Carnival Committee organises 4 events in the Frimley Green Area.
Any proceeds from the three events are distributed to local charities.
For information or questions like having a stall at the Carnival, email:
Under the Localism Act neighbourhood forums are community groups that are designated to take forward neighbourhood planning in areas without parish councils.
The DNF has been recognised by SHBC as the forum for the Deepcut Area, this is especially important on account of the PRB (Mindenhurst) development, see the
Mindenhurst Development( above).
Basingstoke Canal Updates
The Society will be keeping abreast on what is happening with the Basingstoke Canal.
For information on the maintenance and update work being done on the canal, see the Bulletins
and News from the Basingstoke Canal Society.
In 2011 we supported a petition to Surrey Heath Borough Council to increase their funding to the Basingstoke Canal inline with the other riparian councils, you can read about it in the article
on our website.
Farnborough Airport Concerns
If you have any complaints or concerns about aircraft noise, the frequency and timing of flights, please contact
the Society as we have a representative on the Farnborough Airport Consultative Committee (FACC)
and on the Quiet Flying Programme working group of FACC. We are in a position to be able to make representations on your behalf and as a Society we carry more weight than an individual does.
To contact us email:
Society News
08/11/2024 - Mytchett, Frimley Green & Deepcut Society's Half-Yearly Meeting
The Half_Yearly Meeting was held on the Monday 8th November at St. Andrews Church Hall. This years meeting was well attended with more than 50 people in attendance.
Neil Barton from the Basingstoke Canal Society gave a fascinating talk with the title "The Unique Basingstoke Canal - BACK FROM THE DEAD".
He first described the location of the canal, it being a remote spur of the canal network, with the purpose being agricultural rather than manufactured goods.
Then he covered the canals's history from 1778 with an intial Act of Parliament authorising the canal, construction, opening in 1794,to its last
commecial delivery in 1949, falling into disrepair after that.
"BACK FROM THE DEAD" - Between 1973 and 1976, Surrey and Hampshire County Councils purchased the canal. Between 1976 and 1991 the canal was restored with the
help of a lot of volunteers, the canal society, finally reopening in 1991.
Neil Barton described the activities and biodiversity of the canal, it is a site of special scientific interest. Finally going through the challenges facing the
canal, amongst other things funding and lack of water.
There followed a lengthy question and answer period. For more information on the talk, see the
Basingstoke Canal Slides (pdf).
Following the talk, the tea break was taken.
After this there was the usual lively Q&A session with left to right, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Jacquie Davies, our new MP Dr Al Pinkerton, local Councillors, Morgan Rise,
David Whitcroft, Jacques Olmo, Police Sergeant Dan Lomax and Police Constable Rob Hudson.
Before the meeting closed there was the usual raffle.
— Rest of Society News —
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